Tuesday 5 May 2015

A brief introduction to Tim Burton and The Auteur Theroy

Tim Burton is a film director who has directed one of the most  interesting film's to ever hit the screen as he has directed movies such as Sleepy Hollow. He is known for his originality and talent  on films that make these movies very good. Tim Burton was born and raised at Burbank, California. In Tim Burton's childhood his hobby was to draw cartoons and he liked to watch old movies that it made him to become very talented with making cartoons that his first job was an animator for Disney as he worked on animated films such as The Fox and the Hound.

Tim Burton was a introverted man as he liked to spend time on his own to do his work. With most of Tim Burtons films he reflects his personality into the films that he creates which makes it interesting and   original. Tim Burton can be seen as a strange person and you can tell as the films that he is directed can have strange features within them. Tim Burton mentioned one time that someone who is different physically can be misunderstood and that human beings can be seen as monsters as he shows this in his films. For example Edward  Scissorhands the character of Edward is different from everyone but is a nice person who cares but because he is different people don't understand and disown him and in sleepy hollow the main character can be seen as an outsider like Edward.. Tim Burton does this to show the audience that human beings can be the true monsters for what they do to each other and so he reflects his thoughts about that onto the screen.

Auteur Theory is a theory about film directors and that the movies that they have made are similar to each other with things such as the personality of the characters or the way the story is set and it can also be the cast that makes a director an auteur as he would have them cast in most of his movies. So an audience who have watched a lot of films made by the same director can tell if he is an auteur if they are similar to each other.

Tim Burton can be seen as an Auteur as he has reflected his personality into his films and you can tell that it has been directed by him as it always features someone who is different and an outsider from everyone but may look like a monster but really it is the human beings who are the monsters as this is shown in sleepy hollow with the towns people who are cruel and selfish that they cause other peoples to suffer and in Edward scissor hands the character of edward is an outsider like the main character in sleepy hollow and from this you can tell that Tim burton is an auteur through his similar work. Also another reason that Tim burton is an auteur director is that he cast Johnny Depp who often plays that part of the main character in his films and this is another way of showing that these films are directed by Tim Burton.

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