Tuesday 1 September 2015

Assignment 3: film article


                         Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back

This article is going to be about star wars and this will focus on the target audience of this film and how much influence the film has inflicted towards the audience and the production of  this film.

The director of this film was George Lucas and Irvin Kershner who was the executive producer and was given a budget of $ 18 million to produce this film. 

The empire strikes back is a sequel to A new hope and explains how there victory over the destruction of the death star was short lived as the empire is still at large and have drove the rebel alliance to flee across the galaxy and find new planets to hide. The rebels are in hiding on a frozen planet called Hoth but are soon discovered by the empire and the dark lord Darth Vader has been focusing his attention on Luke sky walker as he and his master the emperor are conspiring to turn sky walker to the dark side of the force.

Empire strikes back has been an influence especially due to a line said by Darth Vader during a light saber duel with Luke and he says No I am your Father which was one of the most best and shocking twist to the audience which caused discussions and it made the audience think if it was the truth or not. This line has been so influential that it is recognizable when said in pop culture and there has been loads of this line said in TV and film.

the empire strikes back has been considered to be one of the best squeal in film history due to the plot the suspense and a twist. the target audience that George Lucas intended for star wars was aimed at kids as he had taken the rights for lunch boxes and t shirts and other types of merchandise with the words star wars on it or anything to do with star wars such as a character from the film on it. But star wars was not only enjoyed by kids but all ages all enjoyed the film and have been influenced as much as kids as there are adults who go to star wars events by dressing up as the characters and all of this is what made the film very successful and a blockbuster.

Due to the success of the previous star was a new hope the marketing strategy would be easy to appeal to the target audience by have trailers and film posters of the empire strikes back as the target audience will know what this is. The marketing strategy of this film worked as audiences were excited. This then motivated the audience to pay and watch this film and it made $538 million from this worldwide.  

Assignment 2: comparison of dawn of dead original and latest

Dawn of the Dead Original and Remake Comparison